Manic with organic

A growing obsession in America is the organic food trend and it has even spread to bakers too!

Many bakeries are now using gluten-free or organic ingredients in their daily operations.

The reason is not only found in the healthly and clean effects of the food, but also the loyalty of consumers. According to market research firm Mintel, sales for organic foods are expected to climb 20 percent by next year.

What is even more stunning, is that during hard economic times, consumers don’t abandon the organic name. In fact, an additional 20 percent say they just turn to cheaper organic products!

Bakers are doing the same, because of the large amount of bread and starch that goes into their craft. They could make a big difference, so some have started.

I sat down with Anna Anderson, a senior at Western Kentucky University and long time organic baker. I learned quite a few truths concerning the actual expense of these items, or lack thereof, that may be the reasoning behind the boost in sales. Click the play button above to find out just what is going on with this nationwide trend.

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